
Do you dream of clean countertops and lots of space for everything – but can’t shut the top drawer of your dresser? 

You’re not alone. Goods are cheaper to buy than ever before and that’s showing up in our garages, closets and attics. Our homes are heaving with stuff. And the stuff is taking a toll: it’s draining our bank accounts, sucking up our time and making our homes a place of stress and guilt rather than an oasis of calm to relax and enjoy.

Let me show you how a Minimalist Lifestyle can work for your family.

That’s where I come in. I used to be stressed out about my home too. I hated opening the door to the guest bedroom. Even more: I hated opening the closet in the guest bedroom. But I changed all that and you can too. I’m here to tell you how to declutter, save money and enjoy your life a whole lot more. Living with less stuff is rewarding in so many ways.

Where to start? You can browse the posts here and get lots of strategies and ideas for paring down. I’ve also detailed my own journey with minimalism that started in 2010. I was a bit of a maven back in 2010, starting a minimalism blog that wasn’t about a ‘digital nomad’ living out of a backpack. Instead, I was writing about minimalist parenting and living minimal while still owning cloth diapers, a few nursing bras and a stroller.

Subscribe to my newsletter and get posts delivered to your inbox. I send an email out once a week with the week’s posts and usually a few extras like articles of interest. It’s the easiest way to stay in touch and you can subscribe here.

I’ve also written three minimalism books with Simon & Schuster. 

Do Less: A Minimalist Guide to an Organized, Simplified and Happy Life (2014): you want to declutter your home and schedule now and need a how-to guide with some kick-in-the-pants motivation. A bestseller that has helped tens of thousands of people simplify and enjoy their home again.

The Minimalist Mom: How to Simply Parent Your Baby (2016): if you’re expecting a baby or have kids under the age of three, this is the book for you. All about keeping life simple and sane when you have very young children that require around the clock attention. This is a great starter guide for the wannabe minimalist family!

The Joy of Doing Nothing (2017): you can’t put your phone down and feel like you never have time to truly relax. This is a book about shutting out the noise of life so you can restore yourself with the joy of doing nothing. Living with less stuff and a minimalist lifestyle also includes finding time to go off the grid (even if it’s just taking a mental break while at your desk).

You can contact me at: rachel@theminimalistmom.com