Home Tour: 1 couch for 5 people

This is what my living and dining room look like when they’ve been picked up and children are not around. I write that caveat in because many days this place looks like we’ve been robbed and the thieves emptied the place looking for an illusive piece of Lego. When we first moved into this home

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Finally! Soft Star Shoes Review

I’ve been in the book writing trenches for a few months and – hurrah! – just sent back my final review of the galleys to my editor. More posts in the next few weeks including a very exciting book giveaway next week from an amazing woman (hint: she brings a lot of joy to living

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What does the Easter Bunny bring to your house?

My kids got chocolate turkeys from their Grandma at Thanksgiving last year. They were happy about the gift but not off the walls excited. Their minds were not blown by the bird shaped chocolate but mine was. For a few weeks after I kept coming back to this sweet and innocuous gift. It rattled around

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Are Smart Wool Garments Worth The Price?

Are you struggling to find quality clothing that will last? Me too. I’ll be sharing a few of my finds, and yours, on the blog. For years people have told me, on this blog and in person, that smart wool garments were a great investment. They were durable, functional and, get this, didn’t smell even

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Week 6: The Only Thing You Can’t Replace

Last post in the Clutter Cleanse for 2016. Thank you for joining in, sharing your wins on Facebook and Instagram and celebrating living a bit smaller so you can enjoy more of life. I started this blog to motivate myself to have less stuff. It felt like the walls of our condo were closing in

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Week 6: Happiness is…

How’s your home looking? More importantly, how are you feeling about stuff, your attachment to it and what those small buying choices ad up to after a few years? This is the week to stop selling DVDs on Amazon or getting rid of those cute on the hangar but painful in-person bras. This week is

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Week 5: money habits

Talking about Finances this week as part of the 2014 Clutter Cleanse. One of the tougher pills to swallow when you purge your home is all the things you bought that you didn’t really need or use. Things that you spent money on. Things that you worked hard to make money to buy. When a

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