Minimalist Finances and Getting out of Debt

This week we’re talking finances. Minimalist finances. Money. How we use it for good and how we sometimes use it for bad. How we feel about ourselves when we think about our financial life. And if we’re in debt, the little sigh we let out when we open our student loan statement or why after getting

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Week 4: Kid Clothes

Talking about Kid Clutter this week. Are you struggling with kid clothing? It’s not surprising that parents find themselves run over with children’s clothing now that we buy five times as much clothing as we did the in the 1980s.The problem isn’t just with buying new either. As anyone that has accepted bags of free

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Week 4: Toys, Toys, Toys

Talking about Kid Clutter this week. More here. Back in November we cut out the kid’s screen time for two weeks. I don’t think our kids watch a lot of television, maybe a few hours on the weekend, and the oldest gets a handful of twenty minute segments on the iPad each week. But our

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Week 4: Kid Clutter

  I’m that mean mom. Like an evil Santa Clause I take toys away in the night. I bag them up and donate them without my kid’s knowing. As soon as I see our toy stash getting out of control – no room to store things, many forgotten items that no one is playing with

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Week 3: Sell Your Home… To Yourself

Did you let go of a big piece of furniture? Still thinking about it? One of the bigger lessons I learned about stuff and clutter came a year before I heard about minimalism. I was very pregnant with my first son and we were selling our 598 square foot condo to move into something bigger.

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Week 3: Breaking Up With Big Furniture

Moving on from small clutter to the big stuff in week 3 of the Clutter Cleanse. I used to think an IKEA organizational unit would solve all of my storage problems. If I just had the right storage my stuff wouldn’t be so disorganized. If the right shelf combination and drawer unit was in place

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Week 2: But I’ll need it someday!

We’re focusing on small clutter this week. Junk drawers and magazine collections and all those small things that add up to a lot of stuff. Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance. – Epicurus Hopefully you’ve picked your way through a few drawers in the last week. Buoyed by your commitment

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