Week 2: How To Get 10 Extra Minutes in Your Day

  How did that drawer go? Did you find yourself baffled by how all the small things accumulate? Small things accumulate fast: we don’t deal with them, we don’t file that bank statement or recycle the envelope it came in right away. Too many things coming into our home. You forget, for the seventh time,

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How To Get Rid of Clutter and Enjoy Your Home More

Want more help on how to get rid of clutter? More posts about creating capsules wardrobes, finding your style and what to do with all that clothing you really don’t wear in the archives. Do you have a lot of things you can never seem to find a spot for and that you keep wondering, why

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Week 1: Capsule Wardrobes {Shoes & Accessories & More}

How did you do with the first task? The goal was to get a better sense of what you’re actually wearing. So many of us have a closet full of interesting clothing that we don’t actually wear. The reasons are numerous: doesn’t fit, doesn’t work with anything I actually wear, really isn’t my style, doesn’t

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Week 1: Building a Capsule Wardrobe

Week One of the 2016 Clutter Cleanse Challenge starts today! If you’re on Instagram follow and share your results on hashtag #cluttercleanse2016 The first place we’re streamlining: our wardrobe. Unlike a few other rooms or closets in the home, we look at our wardrobe everyday. You may not pick something out of your home library

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9 Easy & Earth Friendly Ornaments You Don’t Need To Store

I’m sharing some updated holiday themed posts from the archives over December. Hope you are gearing up for a relaxing time with your loved ones. We’re having our first big family Christmas in five years – I can’t wait! Is there such a thing as minimalist Christmas tree ornaments? Probably not. But there are decorations

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Why I’m Doing More This Holiday Season

Last year we had a very quiet holiday season. New baby + illness = I’m impressed we actually got a tree up. Last December is a bit of a blur to me now. I have some photos of the older two putting out carrots for Rudolph and cookies for Santa and I remember they slept

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