10 Great Books to Teach & Inspire Simplicity in Kids

I always get asked for gift ideas for our kids and great books, and there are many, are at the top of the list. This is a list of books that teach simplicity, generosity and ideas around minimalism. Most of them should be available at your local library. It feels like this is the first

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4 Easy Ways to Change Your World This Christmas

I’m reposting some of my favorite holiday posts from the archives in the next few weeks. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the more, more, more and bigger and better this time of year. I still struggle with it. I see people in town with huge bags of gifts and I think, am I taking

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Another No-Gift First Birthday

My first born and third born on their first birthdays. Note the homemade monkey smash cake for #1 and the simple cupcakes made with assistance of second born for #3’s first birthday. You’re just as loved third baby but mama has less baking time and way less ambition. This no-gift birthday was harder to pull

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Where I Confess I Like Our Minivan (But I Love My Kick Scooter)

Blog Housekeeping: I’ve moved email subscribers off of the Feedburner email service and onto the MailChimp email service. This was long overdue as the Feedburner service is no longer being supported. If you’re an email subscriber and aren’t receiving emails please check your spam folder. You can always subscribe or unsubscribe at any time. We

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Do You Really Need That Big Fridge?

  Grocery delivery has come to Vancouver. Talk about good timing for me. Save-On-Foods, our kinda middle of the road price wise, big selection, grocery chain started offering grocery delivery recently. They offer some nice incentives to get people started, free delivery on first order, $10 off second order, and while I took the freebies

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Turning Clutter into Cash for Christmas

Are you looking ahead to the holidays and thinking a) it’s going to be expensive and b) I need to get this house cleared out? You’re not alone. The holidays can be a very stressful time. Big expectations, big commitments and very little time to get to those to-do list items checked off. We work,

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Better Than Before

Are you a productivity book junkie? I am. Not necessarily for the one reason you would think. While I am often working on better allocating my time, I think the biggest draw for me with productivity books is that they reveal so much about the human condition. That we’re different than each other but often

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Toddler Size Bunk Beds: Space Saving With Kids

How do you fit three kids in a two bedroom condo? Toddler size bunk beds. People keep asking us how we like our home since we moved back in as a family of five. It’s great. I’m enjoying the space and the view and the kids really like it. The floor plan works well with

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