You Need a Budget Review After Three Months of Use

You Need a Budget review after three months of use. Sharing my You Need a Budget Review today. Are you a budget keeper or maker? I’ve made lots of budgets but only consistently kept to one once I started tracking all of my spending. It was a financial game changer. Entering each purchase has made

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Vancouver: Are You Worth The Price?

After four years away from the lovely Vancouver, I wondered, would we love it just as much as we had before we left? Vancouver is a beautiful city. It’s surrounded by mountains and water and it is consistently rated as one of the most liveable cities in the world. People famously say you could ski

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Living in a Small Space with a Baby

Small Space Nursery Ideas and Space Saving Baby Items Wondering if you need to move into something bigger for baby’s arrival? Is your one bedroom and den too small for a family of three? Do babies need big houses? No, no and no. Living in a tiny house with a baby is possible and even

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Moving Tips

Our international move felt like it took five months. I guess it did as we made the decision to move back to Canada in January but didn’t leave the Isle of Man until June. That’s a lot of weekends to come up with things to do other than get the house ready for your move.

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Going Slow To Go Fast

A phrase is often running through my head as I try to herd my young kids out the door: go slow to go fast. I first came across the concept in a Design Mom interview of Julie Sparrow (her blog The Monied is lighthearted examination of finances and investing). The mother of four was saying

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How to Move with Less Stuff

We moved here with 14 boxes for three people. My goal for the move back: 20 boxes for five people. Achievable, right? Yes but we still have a lot of work ahead of us. There’s been a bit of pile up since we moved last summer. I was busy furnishing the place and then baby

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The Next Adventure

Moving overseas was an easy decision to make four years ago. We were ready for a new adventure. My husband was ready for a career change. Our minds were open to trying a slower pace in a much smaller city. There was never a firm time line for how long we would stay. If you’re

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Bye Bye Baby Stuff

When Did You Give Away the Baby Clothes and Gear and Stuff? Was it when you felt you were done having children? Was it after the child outgrew it? Did any of you brave souls, knowing you would probably have more children, still decide on to give away the baby clothes to keep life simple?

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