The Best No-Clutter Birthday Gift

If you have a late December birthday you know all too well how your special day can be overlooked in the mania of the holidays. It’s probably a combination of my introverted nature and some hasty celebrations in my formative years, but I’m not that concerned if my December birthday is marked with a big

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Three Boys, One Jacket

This comparison reminded me I need to take more photos with our ‘good’ camera. As most people are finding nowadays, we have lots of photos but the picture quality is on the low end. If you have more than one child, which was the hardest addition? For us #1 still ranks as the toughest life

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Would You Ever Build a Tiny Home?

Photo Credit: Shelter No. 1 by Carmella Rayone Tiny House Nation The last few years we have sourced all of our screen entertainment from an Apple TV. When we moved into our new digs last summer the cable for the TV was so accessible we decided to plug it in and see if we liked

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What’s for Dinner?

  What’s for dinner? I remember asking my mother this countless times. There were six of us so I can only imagine how irritating it must have been to get the same question six times daily. Now it’s my turn. My five year-old keeps asking what the evening meal will be. It’s a new thing.

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How Many Spatulas do You Really Need?

Sorry for the interruption in posts. Hopefully you didn’t take it as an excuse to slack! Three kids and mostly solo parenting has left me with the 20 minutes to declutter but no time to blog. How many spatulas do you really need? Our back-up spatula was a gift. It’s plastic and has had a

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20 Minute Decluttering Challenge: Task #1

Short on time? Energy? Hands? Me too. Child #3 is a delight and just starting to smile regularly. I love it. But I am short on sleep and hands right now. Usually I like to purge stuff in January and find some new ways to save money and time. That won’t be happening this year.

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Simplify the Holidays

Tired of tinsel? This can be a wonderful time of year. It can also be exhausting, overwhelming and depressing. Some of us come out of the holidays and into January full of regret. The credit card bills arrive, we step on the scale and we wonder: was that worth it? Was all the shopping for gifts

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A Return to Joyful Gift Giving

On newborn time here (lots of coffee!) and have revamped some holiday posts from the archives. Hope you are enjoying the holiday season! gift 1. something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present. When did we get so far away

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