The Power of Small Luxuries

  Hosting gifts are always the same from me: food and drink. I’m bringing a bottle of wine or chocolates if I’m invited for dinner. If I really get my act together, and I think the host will appreciate them, I’ll bring flowers. While I’m partial to receiving consumable hosting gifts, if I think about

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Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time

Despite swearing off marathons a few years back, this spring I signed myself up for the 2014 Parish Walk. It’s a unique to the Isle of Man endurance event with an 85 mile course that runs the perimeter of the island. Finishers have to complete the course in under 24 hours. It’s intense. People with

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Not So Minimalist: Expanding Your Family

Huge thank you for all of the support last week as Do Less launched. It was a bestseller in several categories on and! Winners of the book giveaway have been notified. Should we have a third child? The question has been pulled and pushed around my home many times since our second child

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One In, Two Out: April & May

Thank you everyone for the book love! Much appreciated. Still time to enter the draw for a copy and you can read a review of the book here at Carrie Willard’s site. If you’re reading or have read Do Less I would greatly appreciate an honest review on Amazon (reviews are a big help for

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GIVEAWAY: Do Less is now available!

Today I am checking one big goal off my life list: Publish a book May 2014 While I have self-published a book before, Do Less: A Minimalist Guide to a Simplified, Organized and Happy Life is my first book with a publisher. My first book that you can order in stores or online and that

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Can a Simple Childhood be Magical?

I’m Done Making My Kid’s Childhood Magical, by the author of The Honest Toddler, has stuck with me since I first read it over a month ago. Rarely do I read about or meet another parent that openly says, I’m not doing the crafts/themed birthday parties/surprise everything. It was refreshing. I’m not immune to self-doubt

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My Old Cell Phone: The Upside to Old Technology

Using an old cell phone and loving it. There are two things I have been expecting to break for the past two months my old cell phone and our car. The cell phone, despite being dropped repeatedly, chewed and stored in the dusty confines of my handbag, ticks on (so does the car but there

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One In, Two Out: March

Things just creep into your home. They really do. Last month I reported a stellar eight to one ratio. Well it seems I missed something: our friends gave us a bag of train track that I completely forgot about. Side note: we’re loving it and it’s taken our track building to the next level. I’m

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