How to Change or End a Gift Giving Tradition

Gift Giving and Receiving is Supposed to be a Joyous and Celebrated Affair According to Wikipedia, modern gift giving was made popular in the 1800s when Queen Victoria’s tradition of giving gifts for the new year merged with the Christmas holiday. Prince Albert popularized the Christmas tree and our modern take on Christmas was born.

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Soft Star Fireside Slippers Review

This is a rare post for this blog: a ‘thing’ review. You may have noticed that I rarely host giveaways and almost never endorse products on this blog. Not because I am not asked: I get requests almost daily for reviews of products. But you’re here, and I’m here, to focus on living with less stuff.

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Busy Minds and Mental Load

My new book, The Joy of Doing Nothing, is now available for pre-order and hits stores December 5th! It would make a great gift for anyone looking to reduce mental load and find time for themselves in their busy life. Have you ever felt that your brain was so full of items, of to-dos, to-think-abouts,

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Living in a Small Town: Dumb Assumptions pt. 1

  First, but not the last, post on our transition to small town life from the city. Win for small town living: movies here are cheap. There’s one movie theatre in our town and with a 2 for 1 coupon from the paper it’s only $4 to see a movie on a Saturday night. Add

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The Joy of Doing Nothing

Announcement: I have a new book coming out! It’s called The Joy of Doing Nothing: A Real-Life Guide to Stepping Back, Slowing Down and Creating a Simpler Joy-Filled Life and it’s available now for pre-order and arrives in stores December 5th.  When I told friends the title of the book I was writing earlier this

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Houses Really Are a Lot More Work Than Apartments

Those leaves are work but at least they’re beautiful work, right? More on our home ‘upsize’ and how we’re managing our minimalist goals with more space. Houses are a lot of work. I’ve mentioned my house fear here on the blog, and talked about it a lot with people in person, over the years. Houses scare

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Upsizing Your Home When You’re a Minimalist

Moving to the country and into a house has had us buying a lot of stuff lately. We own a lawnmower now and some basic furniture for a one bedroom suite. My brother has earmarked an inflatable slip ‘n’ slide for us that his kids have outgrown. We’ve all had to get outfitted in winter

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Minimalist-ish Family Series: Cassandra and her boys

Another post in the Minimalist-ish Family Series, this time from a single mum of two young boys. These stories always give me something to think about and I know they inspire a lot of you. If you’d like to share your story of simplifying – doesn’t matter if you live in a tiny house or

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